





About Us

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FIA UI) was originally one of the departments in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI).

Since March 2015, FIA UI was officially become as one of the faculty in Universitas Indonesia. FIA UI has three departments and one graduate program namely: 1) Department of Public Administrative Science, 2) Department of Fiscal Administrative Science, 3) Department of Governance of Commerce and 4) Post-Graduate Program of Administrative Science.

These Departments held the program for bachelor student, and the post-graduate held the magister program, double degree program and doctoral program.

Agenda FIA

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Universitas Indonesia will not allow financial problems become obstacles for students. Find out what scholarship opportunities suits your needs here.


Various choices of activities that you can explore as a student to hone your talents and passion.


You can enjoy your campus life with various facilities that support your daily academic needs.

Student Activity Unit

Various student activity units that you can join as students to support your competence and expand your network.

Meet our Expert



Find out more about the various Administrative Sciences Experts at FIA UI who have various expertise in the fields of public administration, business, and taxation, both in local, national and global communities.

In addition, all lecturers at FIA UI also have a variety of specific expertise regarding administrative science. Find out more about how their roles are and how to connect with with them.

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